Oh, the Woes of SEO
Back when I first entered the workforce, the whole "e-commerce thing" was just starting to emerge. The company I worked for was developing this novel website called "eBay." Someone told me about an awesome site for buying books called "Amazon," which is where I created my very first online password. (These days I don’t buy many books, but Amazon is still my go-to for just about everything else, from earth-safe shampoo to light bulbs to bedding for our rabbit’s litter box.)
Suffice it to say, not many websites existed yet, period, much less the proliferation of sites we see today. Searching on Google was not yet a "thing" either.
Clearly, if I can remember this prehistoric moment in time, I’m no longer the 20-something I used to be. But I’m not totally ancient yet. I like to think that I still know a thing or two about the “interwebs.” I used to code HTML in an Access database, after all.
So when I launched my writing coach website a few months back, I knew that I would have to dabble in search engine optimization (or SEO in tech-speak). I know there are certain things you need to do in order for your site to show up in the search engines. I've even done some of it for clients! I just didn’t realize HOW necessary SEO would be for my humble site.
A few weeks ago I decided to see how I ranked on Google Search. I wasn’t naïve enough to think I’d show up as search result #1. Or even #2, or #3. I didn't even expect to land on the first page of results. I hoped I would maybe appear on the second or third page. But nope. Nothing. SIXTEEN PAGES later, nada.
So I typed in “writing help.”
“Writing coach.” “Resume help.” “Essay writing.”
“Melanie Cutler.” (Nothing. But was oddly proud to learn there is a Dr. Melanie Cutler.)
And finally, in last-ditch hopeless desperation: “Essay resume writing help coach Melanie Cutler Bucks County.”
My site STILL didn’t come up in search. How could this be? I was totally perplexed; I thought I had this whole SEO thing covered. I had inserted tags and meta-tags and keywords galore. I had run the SEO wizard, posted fresh content. Why was Google Search boycotting me?
So I called a guy who knows a guy who knows a guy. Met with him in his lair over at Wrightstown Health and Fitness. And all I can say is Uh. Mah. Gah.
Turns out, I’m not MIA on Google because my site stinks. Nor does it have anything to do with the quality of my site, the images, the content, the copy.
Nope, the truly important stuff doesn't matter. I’m not showing up on Google because I didn’t list my address. And because I haven’t linked up Google Console. Or adwords. Or analytics. I foolishly didn’t engage the services of Screaming Frog or SEMrush. I haven’t yet signed on with Moz Local or MosDef or Yext or Yaz or whatever the bleepity-bleep it’s called. And don’t even get me started on NAP data.
And btw, whatever I do now to help the situation is likely to need constant monitoring and updating.
I don't have the time or patience for this. So with the help of my fearless intern Alison -- and because I want my site to show up in search -- I’m working through my SEO punch list. (Begrudgingly.)
Call me old-fashioned, but it irks me that I have to jump through all these ever-changing hoops so that someone out there who needs writing help can find me. It shouldn't be that hard.
Plus -- at the risk of sounding like a whiny first-grader -- it’s not fair! Why do I need to list my physical address to get my online business found in search? Why do I need title tags and metadescriptions and page-specific H1s?
Just who is this multicolor-bike-riding, free-gourmet-snack-eating, company-supplied-juice-bar-drinking, complimentary-commuting, 18-week-maternity-leaving Google employee that’s devising these untenable rules? I demand a meeting!
Give me a call. You have my number.