The “Death” of the Book as We Know It?
Whenever I tell someone that I want to work in publishing, they respond with the classic shake of the head and exasperated sigh before pointing out that the publishing industry is dying. What am I planning on doing, they ask, when I can’t get a job because no one reads books anymore?
As digital books have gained popularity, a mass panic seems to have developed in the book-reading community. This panic revolves around such popular topics as the future of the physical book, the disappearance of the bookstore, and the fall of the traditional publishing industry. In some ways, these worries are justified. Consumers are buying more eBooks; the small, independent bookstore (and even the big commercial ones—just look at Borders) is disappearing; self-publishing is cutting into the profits of publishing houses.
However, ninety-two percent of college students prefer physical books, according to an American University study. If they choose an eBook, it’s because the digital version is cheaper or easier to carry. But the point remains that they prefer to hold a book in their hands rather than to swipe through pages on a screen.
If this study is any indication, the physical book is here to stay. And when people sadly state that my career goal is a waste of time, I tell them that the publishing industry is actually growing. Publishers are figuring out how to adapt to a growing digital market, but they are adapting—successfully.
What does this mean for an aspiring writer?
To answer as simply as possible, it means choice.
If this shift in the book market has done anything, it has given current and aspiring writers more options when it comes to developing and releasing their novels. You don’t need an agent or a publisher to release a novel. You don’t need a marketing team to promote it. You can sell it directly through Amazon and market it through social media. The book and its industry aren’t disappearing, but they are changing. And they are changing in favor of the author.
Whether you want to self-publish or go the traditional route, every book needs a good editor. Give your book the best chance for success. Contact Melanie Cutler to begin your editing journey today!